Photos taken an the Southern site in early May 2001

18 - Los Leones bay 5, fallen scaffold 19 - Los Leones bay 5, raising the fallen scaffold 20 - Los Leones bay 5, remounting the scaffold 21 - Los Leones bay 5, remounting the scaffold 22 - Los Leones bay 5, adjusting shutter door 23 - Los Leones bay 5, protecting people from melting snow 24 - FD correcting lens support 25 - bay 5, detail of mounting box upper part 26 bay 5 mounting box- 27 - bay 5, detail of mounting box upper part 28 - bay 5, glass window waiting to be installed 29 - base of reference point 30 - bay 5, detail of mounting box lower part 31 - bay 5, detail of mounting box lower part 32 - bay 5, detail of mounting box lower part 33 - bay 4, emergency shutter and window 34 - structure for filters before mounting 35 - bay 4, emergency shutter detail 36 - Andes seen from Los Leones - looking WNW 37 - bay 5 upper part of shutter door

The sequence continues on a second film and even a third one