Photos taken at the Southern site in February/March 2002 during the CDAS/SDE school

02 - Barbecue at the OB 05 - Barbecue place at the OB 20 - Opening Carmen's EB 21 - Opening Carmen's EB 22 - Inspecting Carmen's EB 23 - Xavier drying junction box 25 - CPD - Cow Protection Device 29 - Truck loaded with 8 new tanks arriving 31 - Details of the new tanks on the truck 32 - Truck with tanks seen from behind 34 - Gap between tanks on the truck 36 - Unloading a tank from the truck 37 - Unloading a tank from the truck 02 - Stephanie washing parts of the water truck 03 - Stephanie washing parts of the water truck 05 - Party doing differential GPS measurements 07 - Xavier and Maria reading differential GPS measurements 08 - ...while Pablo drinks his mate 10 - SD camera reflected in the mirror at Los Leones 14 - Falcon on the antenna mast 21 - Large birds near Carmen 22 - Large birds near Carmen 32 - Green cortaderas
Last update: April 5, 2002