Group Members  

Antonio Martins Figueiredo Neto
Currículo Lattes

Academic Degrees

  • Bachelor in Physics, University of São Paulo - SP (Brazil), 1975.
  • M. Sc. in Physics, University of São Paulo - SP (Brazil), 1978.
  • Ph.D. in Physics, University of São paulo - SP (Brazil), 1981.
  • Postdoctoral in Physics, "Laboratoire de Physique des Solides - Université de Paris - Sud, Orsay, France". 1983 - 1985.

Personal Status at the University

  • Full Professor of Physics at the Experimental Physics Department, Physics Institute, University of São Paulo - SP (Brazil).
  • In charge of the Complex Fluids Laboratory.

Professional Experience

  • Full Professor at the Physics Institute, University of São Paulo (1993).
  • Associate Professor at the Physics Institute, University of São Paulo (1988-1992).
  • Professor Doctor at the Physics Institute, University of São Paulo (1981-1987).
  • Assistant Professor at the Physics Institute, University of São Paulo (1979-1980).

Current Lines of Scientific Interests

  • Physics of Complex Fluids, ferrofluids, lyotropic and thermotropic liquid crystals.
  • Use of optical techniques in the study of liquid crystals and ferrofluids phase transitions.
  • Investigation on the critical behaviour for the liquid crystals phase transition.
  • New materials development using doping of liquid crystals and ferrofluids with polymers and SiO2  nanospheres.
  • Liquid Crystals Anchoring Properties.
List of Publications

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. SENA, C ; BAILEY, C ; GODINHO, M H ; FIGUEIRINHAS, J L ; PALFFY-MUHORAY, P. ; NETO, A. M. F. . Stress-induced birefringence in elastomers doped with ferrofluid magnetic particles: mechanical and optical investigation. In: The third Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, 2006, Moscou. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2005. v. 300. p. 79-82.

  2. ALVES, S I ; BOURDON, A. ; NETO, A. M. F. . Investigation of the Soret coefficient in magnetic fluids using the Z-scan technique. In: ICMF10 -International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, 2005, Guarujá. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2005. v. 289. p. 285-288.

  3. MAGALHÃES, M. ; NETO, A. M. F. ; BEE, A. ; TALBOT, D ; BOURDON, A. . Wetting of glass surface covered with teflon by ferrofluid as a function of concentration and size of grains, and pH of the solution. In: ICMF10 - International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, 2005, Guarujá. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2005. v. 289. p. 385-388.

  4. SILVA, M. F. ; NETO, A. M. F. . A História dos raios X e sua utilização de 1895 a 1912: Reflexos na América Latina. In: Anais do 2nd Congresso Latino Americano de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia, 1989, São Paulo. A História dos raios X e sua utilização de 1895 a 1912: Reflexos na América Latina. p. 391-400.

  5. NETO, A. M. F. . Synchrotron radiation studies in lyotropic nematic liquid crystals. In: I Workshop in Synchrotron light application and related instrumentation, 1989. Proceeding of the I Workshop in Synchrotron light Application and Related Instrumentation. v. 5. p. 196-211.

Edited Book

    "Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids"
    P. Tolédano and A.M. Figueiredo Neto
    550 pp; publ. date: 1998
    ISBN 981-02-3260-8
    World Scientific Publ. Co.

Book written

    "The Physics of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals, Phase Transitions and Structural Properties"
    A.M. Figueiredo Neto and S.R. Azevedo Salinas,
    (Monographs on Physics and Chemistry of Materials 62, Oxford Science Publications)
    ISBN "0 19 85 2550 8", Oxford University Press (2005).

Thesis Advised at the University of São Paulo

  • Master Dissertations:

    - Cleidilane de Oliveira Sena, presented in 2007.
    - Marcelo da Purificação dos Santos, presented in 2006.
    - Silvia Maria de Paula, presented in 2000.
    - Jacinto da Silva Esteves, presented in 2000.
    - Antonio Carlos Tromba, presented in 2000.
    - Leila Thomazelli Thieghi, presented in 1998.
    - Márcia Magalhães, presented in 1997.
    - Odair G. Martins, presented in 1995.
    - Celso Y. Matuo, presented in 1993.
    - Zózia Angélica de Sant'Anna, presented in 1992.
    - Paulo Ricardo G. Fernandes, presented in 1990.
    - Maria de Fátima da Silva, presented in 1989.
    - Manoel Cezar Valente Lopes, presented in 1989.

  • Ph.D. Thesis:

    - Aline Moojen Pedreira, presented in 2006.
    - Sarah Isabel P. M. do Nascimento Alves, presented in 2003.
    - Fabio Luiz Sant'Anna Cuppo, presented in 2002.
    - Márcia Magalhães, presented in 2002.
    - Odair Gimenes Martins, presented in 2000.
    - Sergio Leonardo Gómez, presented in 2000.
    - Sandro Fontanini, presented in 1998.
    - Celso Y. Matuo, presented in 1997.
    - Paulo Ricardo G. Fernandes, presented in 1996.
    - Maria de Fátima da Silva, presented in 1995.
    - Elisabeth Andreoli de Oliveira, presented in 1991.
    - Antonio J. Palangana, presented in 1991.
    - Teodósio Kroin, presented in 1990.