Group Members |

Suhaila Maluf Shibli

Academic Degrees
- Bachelor in Physics,
University of Campinas - SP (Brazil), 1983
- M.Sc. in Physics, University
of Campinas- SP (Brazil), 1987
- Ph.D. in Physics, University
of Campinas - SP (Brazil), 1991
Personal Status at the
- Associate Professor at the
University of São Paulo, 2005.
- Professor Doctor of Physics
at the Experimental Physics Department, Physics Institute,
University of São Paulo - SP (Brazil).
- Member of the Complex Fluids
Professional Experience
- Professor Doctor at the
Physics Institute, University of São Paulo (1992-2000).
- Visiting Professor at
McMaster University, Hamilton (ON) - Canadá (march-june,
- Visiting Professor at Bell
Laboratories, Murray Hill (NJ) - U.S.A. (june-october,
- Visiting Researcher at Bell
Communications Research (Bellcore), Red Bank (NJ) - U.S.A.
- Visiting Professor at
McMaster University, Hamilton (ON) - Canadá (december/99-february/2000).
Current Lines of Scientific
- Physics of Complex Fluids,
ferrofluids, ferronematics.
- Use of thermal techniques in
the study of ferronematics and ferrofluids.
- Use of magnetic techniques
in the study of ferronematics and ferrofluids.
- Use of atomic force
microscopy in the study of liquid crystals and ferrofluids
List of Publications
1. S.M. Shibli and M.M. Garcia de
Carvalho, "Electrical Characterization of Epitaxial Layers of In0,71Ga0,20 As0,63 P0,37",
J. Appl. Phys. 64(1), 235 (1988).
2. J.L. de Miguel, S.M. Shibli, M.C. Tamargo and B.J. Skromme,
"Planar Doping with Gallium of Molecular Beam Epitaxial ZnSe",
Appl. Phys. Lett. 53 (21), 2065 (1988).
3. B.J. Skromme, S.M. Shibli, J.L. de Miguel and M.C. Tamargo, "Photoluminescence
Characterization of ZnSe doped with Ga by bulk and planar
doping technique in Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Appl. Phys. 65
(10), 3999 (1989).
4. S.M. Shibli, M.C. Tamargo, J.L. de Miguel, J. Skromme, R.E.
Nahory and H.H. Farrell, "Electrical Characterization of Gallium
Planar Doped ZnSe grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Appl.
Phys. 66 (9), 4295 (1989).
5. M.C. Tamargo, S.M. Shibli, J.L. de Miguel, B.J. Skromme, C.L.
Schwartz and S.A. Schwartz, "Planar doping with gallium of MBE
grown ZnSe layers", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 96, 41 (1989).
6.B.J. Skromme, M.C. Tamargo, F.S. Turco, S.M. Shibli, W.A. Bonner and
R.E. Nahory, "Characterization of Heteroepitaxial ZnSe grown
by MBE on GaAs, AlAs and InGaAs", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 96, 205 (1989)
Editado por J.S. Harris.
7. B.J. Skromme, M.C. Tamargo, F.S. Turco, S.M. Shibli, R.E.
Nahory and W.A. Bonner, "Effects of Lattice Mismatch on the Photoluminescence Properties of Heteroepitaxial ZnSe on GaAs,
InGaAs, and AlAs", Proc. of the Symp. on Heteroepitaxial
Approaches in Semiconductors: attice Mismatch and its
Consequences (Electrochemical Society) 89-5, 335 (1989). Editado
por A.T. Macrander e T.J. Drummond.
8. B.J. Skromme, N.G. Stoffel, A.S. Gozdz, M.C. Tamargo and S.M.
Shibli, "Rapid Thermal Annealing and Ion Implantation of Heteroepitaxial ZnSe/GaAs",Processing and Devices in III-V
Compound Semiconductors Symposium, MRS Symposia Proceedings
no144(Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1989), pp. 391.
9. S.M. Shibli, M.C. Tamargo, B.J. Skromme, S.A. Shwarz, C.L.
Schwartz, R.E. Nahory and R.J. Martin, "Arsenic Doped ZnSe Grown
by MBE", J. Vac. Sci. Techno. B8 (2), 187 (1990).
10. H.H. Farrell, M.C. Tamargo, S.M. Shibli, and Y. Chang, "The
Structure of the ZnSe (100)C (2x2) Surface", J. Vac. Sci.
Techno. B8 (4), 884 (1990).
11. H.H. Farrell, M.C. Tamargo, S.M. Shibli, Y. Chang and J.
McNeill, "The Passivation of ZnSe (100) Surfaces via As Capping",
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B9 (2), 264 (1991).
12. M.C. Tamargo, R.E. Nahory, B.J. Skromme, S.M. Shibli, A.L.
Weaver, R.J. Martin and H.H.Farrell,"Surface Stoichiometry
Effects on ZnSe/GaAs Heteroepitaxy", J. Cryst. Growth 111, 741
13. S.M. Shibli, L.M.R. Scolfaro, J.R. Leite, C.A.C. Mendonça,
F.Plentz and E.A. Menezes, "Hole Confinement Effects on
Multiple Si -Doping GaAs", Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 (23), 2895
14. S.M. Shibli, T. Penna, M.C. Tamargo and B.J. Skromme,
"Doping Studies of ZnSe Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy",
Proceedings of 5th Brazilian School on Semiconductor Physics,
444 (1992) - World Scientific (Singapore).
15. S.M. Shibli, A.B. Henriques, C.A.C. Mendonça, E.C.F. da
Silva, E.A. Menezes, L.M.R. Scolfaro, and J.R. Leite, "Electronic
Properties of Multiple Si 7dl-Doped GaAs Layers Grown by
Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Migration Enhanced Epitaxy", J. Cryst.
Growth 127, 700 (1993).
16. Y. Zhang, B.J. Skromme, S.M. Shibli and M.C. Tamargo, "Properties
of the As-related Shallow Acceptor Level in heteroepitaxial ZnSe
Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy", Phys. Rev. B48 (5) 10885
17. C.A.C. Mendonça, F. Plentz, J.B.B. Oliveira, E.A. Meneses,
L.M.R. Scolfaro, D. Beliaev, S.M. Shibli and J.R. Leite,
"Evidence of a two-dimensional to three-dimensional Transition
in Si -Doped GaAs Structures", Phys. Rev. B48 (16), 12316
18. C.A.C. Mendonça, L.M.R. Scolfaro, A.B. Henriques, J.B.B.
Oliveira, F. Plentz, S.M. Shibli, E.A. Meneses and J.R. Leite, "Hole
Confinement Effects in Periodically -Doped GaAs Layers", Proc.
of the 21st International Conference on Physics of
Semiconductors (ICPS), p. 1084 (1993).
19. L.M.R. Scolfaro, J.R. Leite, C.A.C. Mendonça, D. Believ,
S.M. Shibli, E.C.F. da Silva and E.A. Menezes, "Electronic
States of n-type -doping in GaAs Heterostructures", Materials
Science Forum 143, 669 (1994).
20. A.B. Henriques, V.N. Morgoon, P.L. de Souza, V. Bindilatti,
N.F. de Oliveira Jr. and S.M. Shibli, "Magnetic Breakdown in
Periodically Si doped GaAs", Phys. Rev. B49 (16), 11248 (1194).
21. A.B. Henriques and S.M. Shibli, "Fermi Surface Study of
Spike Doped GaAs. Superlattices", Brazilian Journal of Physics
24 (1), 254 (1994).
22. Y. Zhang, W. Liu, B.J. Skromme, H. Cheng, S.M. Shibli and
M.C. Tamargo, "Systematic Investigation of Shallow Acceptor
Levels in ZnSe", J. Cryst. Girowth 138, 310 (1994).
23. S.M. Shibli and A.M. Figueiredo Neto, Reentrant
Uniaxial-Biaxial Transition in Poly-Etilene-Glicol doped
Lyotropic Liquid Crystals", Molecular Crystals and Liquid
Crystals 260, 623-629 (1995).
24. A.B. Henriques, L.C.D. Gonçalves, N.F. de Oliveira Jr., S.M.
Shibli, P.L. de Souza and B. Yavich, "Quantum Transport in
Periodically -doped Ga-As", Z. Phys. B104, 457 (1997).
25. S.M. Shibli, A.L.L. Dantas and D. Walton, "Collinear Mirage
Effect Measurements of Thermal Diffusivity in Ferronematics",
Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 674-676 (1998).
26. L.T. Thieghi, S.M. Shibli, A.M. Figueiredo Neto, V. Dmitriev
and P. Tolédano, "Non-Critical Behaviour at the Uniaxial-Biaxial
Nematic Phase Transition in a Lyotropic Mixture", Phys. Rev.
Lett., 80, 3093-3096 (1998).
27. A.L.L. Dantas, D. Walton and S.M. Shibli, "Collinear Mirage
Effect Measurements of the Thermal Diffusivity in Ferrofluids",
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 28, 428 (1998).
28. S.M. Shibli and D. Walton, "Magnetic Relaxation Studies in
Ferronematics", Materials Science Forum, 302-303,479 (1999).
29. S.M. Shibli, A.L.L. Dantas and D. Walton, "Investigation of
the thermal anisotropy of ferronematics using collinear mirage
effect", AIP Conf. Proc. 463, 318 (1999).
30. A.M. Pizzo Passaro and S.M. Shibli. "Nanostructural
Characterization of Thermotropic Liquid Crystal by AFM and SEM"-
Acta Microscopica 8. Suppement A, pp. 277 (1999).
31. D. Walton and S.M. Shibli. "Magnetic blocking in
ferronematic liquid crystals", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-230,
1948 (2001).
32. S.M. Shibli, A.L.L. Dantas and A. Bee. "The effect of the
ferrofluid magnetic particle concentration on the thermal
diffusivity", Braz. J. Phys. 31, 418 (2001).
33. V.A. Gunyakov and S.M. Shibli,"Structural ordering and
molecular-optical properties of discotic liquid crystal", Liquid
Crystals, LC 30(1),59-64 (2003).
34. V.A. Gunyakov, N.P. Shestakov and S.M. Shibli, "Density and
refractive index measurements in hexaheptyloxytri-phenylene, a
discotic liquid crystal", Liquid Crystals, vol. 30 (7), 871-875
35. V. Gunyakov and S.M. Shibli, "Conformation and Electronic
Structure Studies of Molecules at the Colho-I Phase Transition
in Columnar Discotic Liquid Crystal", Molecular Crystals Liquid
Crystals, 397, 573-583 (2003).
36. V. Gunyakov and S.M. Shibli, "Orientational Ordering and
Polarizability of Molecules in the Columnar Phase of Discotic
Liquid crystal", Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 409,
409-420 (2004).
37. G.F. Goya, S.L. Gómez, and S.M. Shibli, "Dipolar
Interactions Between Magnetite Nanoparticles in Frozen
Ferrofluids and Ferronematics", Journal of Metastable and
Nanocrystalline Materials, 22, p33 (2004).
38. D. Walton, S.M Shibli, "Effect of the liquid crystal
environment on the aggregation of magnetic grains in
ferronematics",Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 279,
283-288 (2004).
39. A.J.Silva, M. Gonçalves, S.M. Shibli, "Thermodiffusion
studies in ferrofluids by collinear mirage effect", Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 289, 295-298 (2005).
40. D.C.A. Saravia, A. Bee and S.M. Shibli,"Blocking phenomena
studies on ferronematics", J.Magn.Magn.Mater., 289, 152-154
41. D. Walton,S.M Shibli, M.L Vega and E.A Oliveira, "Magnetic
nanoparticle size constraints in ferronematic liquid crystals",
J.Magn.Magn.Mater., v. 292, p. 310-316, 2005.
42. B.S.L. Honda, H. Mukai, P.R.G. Fernandez and S.M. Shibli, "Investigation
of the critical behavior at lyotropic systems by thermal
techniques", J. Phys. IV,v. 125, p. 245-247, 2005.
43. P.R.G.Fernandes, H. Mukai, B.S.L. Honda and S.M. Shibli,
“Induction of Order in the isotropic phase of a lyotropic liquid
crystal by pulsed light”, Liquid Crystal 33
(3), 367-371 (2006).
44. H. Mukai, P.R.G.Fernandes and S.M.Shibli, “Orientational
order studies by Magneto-optical and light effects in lyotropic liquid
crystal”, J.Mol.Liq.135, 53-56 (2007).
45. R. Celorrio, M. Costa, A. Mendioroz, E. Apinaniz, S.M. Shibli and
A. Salazar, “Thermal wave scattering by two overlapping and
paralell cylinders”, Appl.Phys.A 93, 429-437 (2008).
Member of Brazilian Society of Physics (SBF) |